I live in St Pierre Quiberon (56510) on the peninsula of Quiberon on the Atlantic coast of the celtic Brittany.

For the moment, I have no shop, no gallery and don’t receive in my studio or my home but
you can contact me by post :
Françoise Zainal Rougeau
12 avenue de la presqu’île
56510 Saint Pierre Quiberon/France
by phone on +33 620 46 01 89
or by email to breizhbijoux at yahoo.fr (or click on the picture of the envelope at the bottom of the page.
If you are in the vicinity of Quiberon, we can arrange an appointment so that I can show you my work
Legal Notice
I am the webdesigner and webmaster of this site, No studio visits,
I am exhonerated from VAT under section 293b
My Siret: : 380 264 457 00025
The site is hosted by OVH CLOUD
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Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France